Enrolments for the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025 via KOS
and Application form for the Final State Examinations (FSE) via KOS
The enrolment takes place in two consecutive steps (according to the below stated conditions):
1) Enrolment to the schedule via KOS 21. 1. - 14. 2. 2025
2) Confirmation of an individual schedule and enrolment for the summer semester via KOS 21. 1. –
14. 2. 2025
The enrolment for all study programmes in combined form takes place only via KOS from 21. 1. to 14. 2.
2025 omitting the first step – i.e. without enrolment to the schedule, all the other conditions remain valid
(the schedule will be displayed on the website as usual).
Application form for the Final State Examinations 2024/2025
Final year students must submit the application form for the final state examinations (FSE) if they want to
complete the studies in 2024/2025 and not to prolong the studies. The application form for the FSE is
submitted only in electronic form through KOS by 14. 2. 2025 at the latest – after this date the access to
KOS will be automatically blocked. Only a student who has a subject called Bachelor/Diploma thesis
enrolled can apply for the FSE. Both the date of the FSE and the topics (if the field of study allows that –
otherwise each line offers only one possibility) can be selected in the application form.