How to apply to study Bachelor and Master degree study programmes

Information on this page is intended ONLY for students who apply to study in English. If you are applying through the Erasmus+ program or another exchange program, please follow the information for Erasmus+ and Exchange students.

Information about admission procedure 2025/2026

When applying to the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the CTU in Prague, the procedure is very much the same as in other European universities.

The deadline for applications will be March 31st 2025


The electronic application form is deemed submitted if it is electronically completed and paid. Without the timely payment of the administrative fee, your application form will not be accepted for admissions.

All enclosures must be scanned prior to sending and the scanned copies must be sent to

How to apply

Few simple steps:

  1. First of all, choose the Bachelor or Master degree study program you wish to study. As you are going to study this program for several years make sure you choose a program which meets your personal interests and you know you will enjoy it!
  2.  Read carefully the Conditions for admission to a full-time three-year bachelor’s degree study program “Biomedical Technology”  or the Conditions for admission to a full-time follow-up master’s degree study program “Biomedical and Clinical Engineering”.
  3.  Fill in the online application form.
  4. Pay the administrative fee: The general admission fee of the CTU in Prague is 950 CZK. The electronic application form is deemed submitted if it is electronically completed and paid.
    The fee must be paid by a payment card online through the payment gateway directly in the electronic application to study. The fee can also be paid by a wire transfer.  The administrative fee payment must be submitted to the bank by March 31, 2025, at the latest. Payments made by the wire transfer after March 31, 2025, will be disregarded and the online application won´t be downloaded to our system. However, the faculty does not recommend this type of payment due to a higher error rate while copying the data and possible longer period for connection of the payment with the electronic application form.

    Bank connection:

    Komerční banka Praha 6
    Account number : 27-7380010287/0100
    IBAN: CZ2601000000277380010287
    Swift Code: KOMBCZPP
    Variable symbol: 77777
    Specific symbol: use application number

    and send all the required documents:

    Application form

    Application forms for studies are filled in electronically on the web page (choose the English version - EN) and must be submitted in electronic form only.

    Required documents for bachelor studies applicants:

    • In the case of graduation from a secondary school located in the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic, an officially certified copy of the secondary school leaving (matriculation) certificate (in exceptional cases, a certificate of passing the matriculation examination if the certificate is not yet available).
    • In the case of graduation from a secondary school abroad (except for the Slovak Republic), from a branch of a foreign secondary school based in the Czech Republic, or from a secondary school where the matriculation examination is not conducted in the manner prescribed by Act No. 561/2004 Sb., on pre-school, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (Education Act), as amended: 
      • an officially certified copy of the decision on recognition of the validity of the foreign certificate in the Czech Republic and the nostrification clause, or a certificate issued by the Rector's Office of the Czech Technical University in Prague on the recognition of the foreign secondary education for the admission procedure to the academic year 2025/26. It does not apply to studies completed in the Republic of Poland, Hungary, and the Republic of Slovenia,
      • or an officially certified copy of the document concerning granting the European Baccalaureate (does not apply to the International Baccalaureate-IB Diploma). The International Baccalaureate can only be submitted with the certificate of the matriculation examination in the Czech language and literature taken in the common part of the matriculation examination,
      • an officially certified copy of the matriculation certificate with an official translation into Czech or English for studies completed in the Republic of Poland, Hungary, and the Republic of Slovenia.
    • Certificate of a certified examination in English - level B2 or higher according to the European Framework of Reference. The certificate does not have to be supplied by:  
      • an applicant who proves that he/she is a native speaker of English,
      • an applicant who proves that he/she has completed secondary or higher education in English,
      • a candidate who has studied at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering in the English Lifelong Learning Programme,
      • a candidate who participates in an online (SKYPE) interview in English.
    • Motivation letter in English (see below for details).
    • A medical certificate of medical fitness to study at the university. The certificate should be submitted on the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering form in Czech or English, which is available for download from the website

    Required documents for master studies applicants:

    • In the case of graduation from a higher education institution based in the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic, an officially certified copy of the diploma and the supplement to the diploma of the previous higher education (in exceptional cases, a certificate of passing the final state examination and a transcript of the courses taken, if the diploma is not yet available). Graduates of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of CTU from the last 10 years do not need to provide this document.
    • In case of graduation from a higher education institution abroad (except for the Slovak Republic), or from a branch of a foreign higher education institution with its seat in the Czech Republic: 
      • an officially certified copy of a certificate of recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications in the Czech Republic (nostrification), or a certificate of recognition of foreign higher education issued by the Rector's Office of the Czech Technical University in Prague as part of the admission procedure for the academic year 2025/2026. It does not apply to studies completed in the Republic of Poland, Hungary, and the Republic of Slovenia,
      • an officially certified translation of the diploma and the diploma supplement into Czech or English for studies completed in the Republic of Poland, Hungary, and the Republic of Slovenia.
    • Certificate of a certified examination in English - level B2 or higher according to the European Framework of Reference. The certificate does not have to be supplied by:  
      • an applicant who proves that he/she is a native speaker of English,
      • an applicant who proves that he/she has higher education in English,
      • a candidate who has studied at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering in the English Lifelong Learning Programme,
      • a candidate who participates in an online (SKYPE) interview in English.
  5. Where to get more information - Bc. Veronika Jirotková
  6. Entrance examination in English - consist of the motivation letter in  English (information and questions how to write the motivation letter are listed in Conditions for admission) and Interview in English (ability to communicate effectively in English will be verified by an interview through SKYPE on an announced date between April 14 - April 25, 2025 / May 5 - May 7, 2025.). The interview is conducted via SKYPE only in case that the applicant has not provided documents supporting his language skills as per point 3 or these documents were not accepted by the faculty.
    After completion of the electronic application form and its timely payment, we would like to ask the applicants to send us their SKYPE contact details immediately by email.  We also recommend to scan all the above documents and send them by email prior to their sending by mail. In both cases, please send the documents to the address
  7. Get information about accommodation and apply for accommodation in Prague and confirmation of accommodation at a CTU dormitory. KEY Accommodation information for 1st year accepted students.
  8. Tuition fee payment - Study related fees (fees for the studies in the foreign language are listed below). 
    Bachelor Degree: CZK 55 000 (per one semester)
    Master Degree: CZK 66 000 (per one semester)
    Doctoral Degree: CZK 500 (per one semester)
  9. Students of the bachelor study program and students of the follow-up master study programs in the English language and studying for the standard period time are entitled to a special scholarship. More information in the Conditions for admission. 
  10. Get your health care insurance.
  11. Apply for a visa (long term stay) at the Czech Embassy in your country. Mrs Kulhankova will help you to get all the necessary documents for your application.
  12. In addition, please start to inquire about the requirements for your visa. The Czech Embassy serving your country will give you all the details. See:
    • List of Czech embassies abroad: here
    • Student visa information: here
    • Temporary stay for the purpose of the study: here
  13. Read what is necessary before your arrival.
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