Project name: Assistive Technologies for Sustainable Development and Active Life of Seniors and Handicapped Persons No.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002360 Admission Procedure Rules Electronic application form To be admitted to the study programmes, the applicant must meet the general conditions pursuant to Section 48 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Additions to Other Acts, Government Regulation No. 274/2016 Coll. Admission to the study programmes is further governed by Article 6 of the Statute of the Czech Technical University in Prague published at Possibilities of recognition of foreign higher education As part of the admission procedure to doctoral study programmes, it is necessary to provide evidence of the assessment of foreign higher education (no later than the deadline specified in the admission procedure conditions). Applicants may submit a "certificate of recognition of foreign higher education in the admission procedure" issued by the Rector's Office of the CTU in Prague valid for the academic year in which the admission procedure to the CTU in Prague takes place or a "certificate of recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications in the Czech Republic (nostrification)" issued, for example, by a university or the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. In view of the fact that applicants must apply for a visa to the Czech Republic, it is strongly recommended to submit a "certificate of recognition of foreign higher education in the admission procedure issued by the Czech Technical University in Prague" as part of the admission procedure. The process of obtaining this certificate is much faster and cheaper. PhD Thesis Open Topics: Department of Biomedical Technology Department of Biomedical Informatics Department of Natural Sciences Department of Health Care and Population Protection Department of Information and Communication Technologies in Medicine Structure and content of studies, study obligations The development of the study plan is based on the "Study and Examination Regulations for Students of the Czech Technical University in Prague" and the "Regulations for Doctoral Studies at the FBMI CTU", which is published in These documents set out the framework requirements for individual study plans of doctoral students and set the rules for state doctoral examinations (SDE) and for dissertation defences. The studies are conducted according to an "Individual Study Plan" (hereinafter referred to as ISP), which is drawn up by the student in agreement with the supervisor and submitted on the prescribed form to the chair of the study programme board (hereinafter referred to as the SPB) within one month of the start of studies. A specialist supervisor may be appointed at the beginning or during the course of studies, subject to the approval of the SPB. The supervisor shall carry out an ongoing monitoring of the doctoral student's fulfilment of the ISP. He/she shall submit a written evaluation of the fulfilment of the ISP to the head of the training institute and to the chair of the IR on a regular basis, at least once a year. Failure to comply with the ISP may lead to termination of studies. The SPB monitors and evaluates the ongoing studies in the doctoral study programme and submits the results at least once a year to the relevant Scientific Council. The study block The study block The study block consists of the completion of a set of 4-6 one-semester professional courses, language training and professional activities presented by the preparation of a written study and a dissertation debate. The study block in the ISP is spread over a maximum of 4 semesters for full-time study or a maximum of 6 semesters for combined study. In the AT programme, the student enrolls in compulsory courses (New Technologies and Methods in Assistive Technologies, Methodology of Scientific Work and English Language) and chooses other courses from the offer of compulsory elective courses in the AT programme or, with the consent of the supervisor and the SPB, from the offer of doctoral courses at universities in the Czech Republic or abroad. Exceptionally, a maximum of two courses from the master's programme may also be included in the set of professional courses if the doctoral student demonstrates a more substantial lack of knowledge in the field in which the course is taken and the doctoral student did not take the course in the master's programme. The courses of study must be different from the courses that the student studied in the Bachelor's or Master's programme. By enrolling in the ISP, the course becomes compulsory for the student. Each compulsory course is concluded with an examination. The language preparation is focused on general and professional communication in English and is demonstrated by passing an examination in the English language course or by presenting a recognized certificate of language competence listed in the Regulations of Doctoral Studies at FBME CTU. The student may substitute the English language examination by writing a written study to discuss and debate the dissertation in English. The study block in professional activities includes a study that is a written preparation for the dissertation. It contains a brief summary of the state of the art in the world of the topic under study (summary research), supplemented by the results of your own work in the field of the dissertation topic. These results can also be presented by a set of publications submitted by the PhD student. The head of the training institute shall appoint at least one reviewer of the study. The debate on the study must take place at the end of the study block at the latest (the deadlines are set out in the CPR, Article 27, paragraph 11, according to the forms of study). The supervisor, the head of the training institute and a member of the SPB must be present at the debate, as recommended by the chair of the SPB. The debate is public. Additional study obligations and creative activity requirements In accordance with the general requirements for doctoral study programmes (paragraph H/I, point 3.) according to the Government Regulation on Standards for Accreditation in Higher Education, No. 274/2016, the student will undertake a foreign placement of at least 1 month (unless he/she is involved in an international creative project whose results have been presented abroad - to be assessed by the SPB). The work placement on a predetermined topic can be carried out at one of the departments with which the faculty has a cooperation agreement, or at another department on the basis of a contract concluded during the doctoral studies in accordance with the focus of his/her dissertation. Participation in teaching at the student's full-time studies in bachelor's or master's programmes accredited at FBME in courses corresponding to the focus of the student's doctoral studies (takes place over four semesters at an average of 4 hours per week). Regular active participation in professional conferences, in agreement with the supervisor. In the case of full-time students it is necessary to participate in scientific research projects solved within the FBME CTU. Before defending the dissertation, the doctoral student must be the author or co-author of at least one publication published or accepted for publication in an impacted journal and at least one other publication published or accepted for publication in a reputable peer-reviewed journal. The doctoral student's contribution to each published article must be clearly identified. For at least one publication, the student must be the first author. The articles must be thematically relevant to the dissertation. During the course of the study, an integral part of the student's activities is the presentation of the results of his/her work at national and international conferences, in proceedings, if they are published on the occasion of the conference, and in the professional press. The SPB assesses the quality of these results during the regular annual evaluation and, if it judges them to be inadequate, discusses them with the student and his/her supervisor with a view to achieving a remedy. The student's individual study plan also includes involvement in scientific research activities by agreement with the supervisor. The form and extent of the student's participation must be clearly verified. The involvement of the student in the production of study texts for students of FBME CTU or other universities is also positively evaluated. Courses Introductory information to the overview of the courses: The study block consists of the completion of a set of 4-6 one-semester professional courses, language preparation and professional activities presented by a written study and a dissertation debate. In the AT program, the student enrolls in compulsory courses (New Technologies and Methods in Assistive Technologies, Methodology of Scientific Work and English Language) and chooses other courses from the offer of compulsory elective courses in the AT program or, with the consent of the supervisor and the SPB, from the offer of doctoral courses at universities in the Czech Republic or abroad. Exceptionally, a maximum of two courses from the master's programme may also be included in the set of professional courses if the doctoral student demonstrates a more substantial lack of knowledge in the field in which the course is taken and the doctoral student did not take the course in the master's programme. The courses of study must be different from the courses that the student studied in the Bachelor's or Master's programme. By enrolling in the ISP, the course becomes compulsory for the student. Each compulsory course is concluded with an examination. The language preparation is focused on general and professional communication in English and is demonstrated by passing an examination in the English language course or by presenting a recognized certificate of language competence listed in the Regulations of Doctoral Studies at FBME CTU. The student may substitute the English language examination by writing a written study to discuss and debate the dissertation in English. A complete list and more detailed information on the courses can be found at the following place - Course Overview. Study Programme Board Chairman of the Board doc. Ing. Pavel Smrčka, Ph.D., FBME CTU in Prague, telemedicine Vice-Chairwoman of the Board prof. RNDr. Olga Štěpánková, CSc., CIIRC CTU in Prague, artificial intelligence, assistive technologies Internal members of the Board Prof. RNDr. Matej Daniel, Ph.D., FME CTU in Prague, biomechanics, biomaterials, mathematical modelling doc. Ing. Karel Hána, Ph.D, FBME CTU in Prague, telemedicine doc. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D., FH Charles University, gerontology, assistive technologies doc. Ing. Patrik Kutílek, Ph.D., FBME CTU in Prague, mechanics, biomechanics and biomaterials doc. Ing. Lenka Lhotská, CSc., FBME & CIIRC CTU in Prague, cybernetics, informatics, assistive technologies doc. Ing. Marek Penhaker, Ph.D., VŠB Technical University Ostrava, biomedical engineering, biosignals, biomimetic instruments prof. Ing. Pavel Slavík, CSc., FEE CTU in Prague, computer graphics, visualization, user interfaces Mgr. Michal Vavrečka, Ph.D., CIIRC CTU in Prague, cognitive psychology, human-robot interaction External Members of the Board Ing. Vratislav Fabián, Ph.D., Mediction Group, biomedical engineering, medical devices doc. PaedDr. Karel Jelen, CSc. Faculty of Sports, Charles University, biomechanics Ing. Roman Mouček, Ph.D., West Bohemian University Pilsen, cybernetics, neuroscience Ing. Jiří Potůček, CSc., MWCare, assistive technologies, telemedicine, modelling State Doctoral Examination The aim of the State Doctoral Examination (SDE) is to verify the breadth and quality of the doctoral student's knowledge, his/her ability to acquire new knowledge, evaluate it and use it creatively in relation to the chosen field of the doctoral study programme and the topic of the dissertation. The examination includes a discussion of the dissertation topic. The condition for taking the state doctoral examination is the previous successful completion of the study block. The State Doctoral Examination is held before the State Doctoral Examination Board (hereinafter referred to as the SDB), which is proposed by the Chair of the SPB after discussion in the SPB and appointed by the Dean, including the Chair of the Examination Board. The examination board shall consist of at least five members. The supervisor and the supervisor-specialist are not members of the Board. At least two members of the examination board must not be employees of the CTU. The examination board for a given field of study may be permanent or may be nominated for individual SDEs. The State Doctoral Examination is taken from two topic areas, which the student chooses in agreement with the supervisor. The selection of the topics is subject to the approval of the chair of the SPB. The first area is chosen by the student from the basic group of topics discussed in the compulsory course and self-study. It is recommended that the second area be selected in accordance with the topic of the dissertation from the topics covered by the compulsory elective courses. The student chooses the first area from this pair of thematic areas: Motion Analysis Physiology of Ageing, Ageing and Health The second area is chosen from the following pair of topics: Analysis of Multivariate and Multimodal Data Assistive technologies and sensor systems Application for SDE Thematic areas for the SDE Positions for PhD students are open in the following departments: Department of Biomedical Technology Department of Biomedical Informatics Department of Natural Sciences Department of Health Care and Population Protection Department of Information and Communication Technologies in Medicine